Mission Statement:
To provide necessary health so that we can digest the food we eat, sleep well, think clearly to establish our unique priorities, cultivate peace of mind, and remember what we have been taught and what we have studied to ensure quality of life.
Illness is an obstacle on the road to spiritual enlightenment. That is why we have to do something about it.
The purpose is to clear the mind of the chaos of everyday life in order to achieve a greater state of harmony.
Nancy has been teaching and studying yoga with various instructors throughout the US and Europe for over 25 years. Her emphasis is based on the teachings of Iyengar, Vinyasana, Yee, and Forest Yoga. Her passionate journey with yoga has led to personal transformation and more openness on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. She feels very strongly that the regular practice of yoga can lead us home to ourselves, develop our own innate power, and teach us about compassion. What a wonderful foundation to create greater mental and emotional health.
Nancy is a state licensed and board certified acupuncturist. She received her Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) degree from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine. Her internships include working with Dr. Leaf Son at Beijing Acupuncture in Madison, Wisconsin. Abroad, she studied at the Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangdong Province, China.
She works part-time at Froedert Hospital in the cancer center helping patients manage their symptoms due to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery from either a physical, emotional and/or spiritual place.
She is also a massage therapist. Based on meridian theory, the massage promotes circulation of vital energy and blood, regulating the function of the meridians and disorders of internal organs to improve vitality and restore health.
Nancy Brittain
Qi Holistic Care, LLC
Yoga Instructor